What are digital signage kiosks? In essence, digital signage kiosks are a form of a self-service solution that delivers high-quality, easy-to-access information, or buying options for millions of people around the world. Now, these handy technological tools are way more than that. Digital signage kiosks give you flexibility, closer interactions with your customers, a quick and easy way to improve sales, and a way to make others feel informed about your products, events, services, and more.
What are Digital Signage Kiosks for Different Industry Settings
Quick Service Restaurants (QSR)
Even though many quick-service restaurants are well-known, digital signage displays can fill an essential role by enticing passersby walking or driving by your location. Let’s have a look at a few reasons what are digital signage kiosks and why they are great options for QSR.
1. Flexible Option for All Circumstances
New customers that are unaware of your location might decide to drop in based on what they see on your display outside. Current customers could also choose to visit your location on impulse because of your digital signage advertising if they see something they didn’t know you offered.
Any outdoor kiosks need to be able to withstand extreme weather. Selecting a display for its tough construction will help ensure that the display meets your restaurant’s needs. With displays that are strong in rainy or snowy weather, your customer volume will grow as you maintain great service quality in the drive-thru no matter the weather conditions.
2. Fits in Any QSR Setting
One of the advantages of using a digital menu is that these products can easily blend into your building’s design. If your QSR location has a unique theme, for example, you’ll want to make sure your menu matches the building’s features. After all, your customers will be spending time looking at the menu, and you want them to be able to focus on what they will be buying.
Regardless of the style or location of your display, your digital signage content can play a role in how much attention your restaurant attracts.
3. Showing Displays Effectively
An advantage of a digital kiosk’s touch screen is that you can provide self-service ordering, including ordering from a table. Even though all customers may not be open to using such features, many will be glad to use them for their convenience. Your employees will be able to focus on tasks beyond handling orders, making everything run more efficiently.
Digital signage hardware is easy to use in various places, and you can add content beyond just ordering options. Moreover, digital signage kiosks can display a commercial, or show which order numbers are ready for pickup. The use of apps and other content on these displays can present a perfect opportunity to include branding information.
4. A Helpful Tool for Employees and Vendors
Employees and outside vendors such as suppliers and promotional staff can benefit from the information these displays provide. The display screen can be an ideal place to display relevant information that everyone who works at your location needs.
Vendors who are new to your location can benefit from having information about management and the restaurant layout on the display. New employees and vendors will find the information easy to refer to when they have questions, without having to wait for someone to answer.
5. Keeping Everything More Sanitary
When the COVID-19 pandemic became a problem, the restaurant industry had to make changes. They needed to adjust to a lot of restrictions, from a reduced capacity to shifting towards a reliance on takeout orders. Another issue in many QSR settings is access to paper menus and similar marketing materials. A concern that many food service managers have had is whether physical menus and materials could spread the disease. Especially if customers leave them on tables along with used utensils, napkins, and similar items.
A digital signage display option can reduce the need for paper menus and other items that are frequently disposed of. One advantage of a display screen is that videos and animated content can help draw attention to the products advertised. Your customers will be able to see what you have to offer without having to use menus that they may not want to touch.

Retail Stores
If you are trying to step up your game in the retail industry, then digital signage kiosks are the way to go. Marketing, sales, interaction, feedback, and appearance: all come to play when digital signage kiosks are around. Read further to find out more reasons why they are a must-have for your business.
1. A Durable Option Perfect for High-Traffic Areas
Placing digital signage kiosks at high-traffic areas in your store lets them provide more store and product information for your customers than static signboards. A durable design is essential for a digital signage kiosk in a high-traffic area. In the case of supermarkets and grocery stores, some store areas will have lots of customers maneuvering around with shopping carts, and staff constantly stocking shelves. Having a robust casing for the kiosk will help it withstand the high-level activities surrounding it and minimize the chances of damage being done.
2. The Perfect Appearance for Your Store
Because a digital kiosk display stands on its own, the display easily draws attention. It will showcase whatever information you are trying to get across to customers. Regardless of whether your message is about safety precautions in use during certain times, or highlighting products currently on sale, you can have confidence that you will make your customers take notice. These displays have an attractive look that encourages interaction from your customers.
3. Enhance In-Store Experience
Because these displays have been constructed with one-on-one interaction in mind, their information is easy to personalize for the individual customer.
A kiosk can provide more than just a retail advertisement. The interactive nature of one of these displays allows users to browse the products they have, or search for specific information.
Another advantage that kiosk displays offer is their ability to act as a touchpoint for answering questions and giving more information about your products and services. The screen can also display a list of frequently asked questions, along with their answers.
4. Flexibility and Functionality
Digital signage is one of the most flexible marketing tools that retailers have available. One of the reasons that make this form of in-store marketing so flexible is how easily you can move the display between locations. Due to its compact design, you can easily relocate it to anywhere in your store to react to your in-store marketing and safety tips, or you can also simply store it away in between uses. This aspect makes these kiosks very functional in the long run.
5. Hygienic Reasons
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted a lot of the ways companies have done business. Two of the challenges that many companies face are how they can provide more services without more interactions with their customers, and how they can provide additional information without print materials. Both of these concerns come in the light of an increased need for social distancing.
Customers often require assistance with questions that are easily addressed through marketing materials. Because some stores have had to cut back staff to conform to social distancing guidelines or employees being out sick, staff often struggle to be available to answer questions. Having a display that can answer these questions helps businesses serve more customers with reduced interactions.
Another crucial part of using a kiosk display is eliminating the need for print materials. Handling brochures, and other print materials can spread germs and create a mess if customers don’t dispose of them properly.

Community Centers
Digital signage displays will significantly impact your community center’s activities. Whether you are announcing upcoming events or displaying encouraging messages, digital signage displays are a game-changer, and here are a few reasons why.
1. Versatility
The digital content that you display in a community center will impact how well the community knows what is going on. Community centers are used for a variety of purposes, from children’s afterschool programs to serving as a polling station during an election. The better-informed people are about upcoming events, the more likely they are to participate in them.
A digital kiosk touch screen mounted on a table can make sign-ins for events much more efficient. Convenient sign-in options make it easier for event organizers to keep track of who is present at any time. Whenever you need to know who is in attendance, these sign-in features will come in handy.
Community centers can also use digital signage displays to show the schedule of upcoming events, club program sign-up promotions, and ads from local community businesses. The versatility of digital signage lets community centers applies them in various situations to suit their different needs.
2. Share more with Interactive Displays
Besides delivering information and advertising, community centers can also utilize digital signage kiosks to enhance their interactions with visitors. For example, visitors can look up information about upcoming events and programs through a digital signage kiosk. They can even sign-up for events instantly and receive notifications to stay in touch. In addition, sports club members can check if courts are available, and make or change their bookings, right away through digital signage kiosks (eg. squash, badminton, and basketball courts). Likewise, these kiosks can also show which multi-purpose or meeting rooms are available and enable local community groups or councils to make bookings for various functions. Digital Signage kiosks allow community centers to control their space better while providing visitors and members with a more approachable and flexible service at the same time.
Allowing attendees to book online helps to collect information that governments and communities can use for marketing purposes. An attendee who has signed in can also receive information about events based on what is in their user profile.
Interactive activities work very well when used with digital kiosks. Games and other fun activities are a great way to get visitors of all ages more involved. These experiences, with their potential to be personalized to each visitor, will help keep them interested in all the events going on at your community center.
When used in an accessible location, a digital kiosk display can help visitors look up information about activities that are going on. Keep your event visitors updated with schedules of upcoming events and an option to sign up for notifications. Another function these kiosks can serve is to show which rooms are available for various functions and tools.
3. Better Flexibility for Better Engagement
A community center provides unique challenges since it has large spaces that can be used for many different purposes. Because of this, using different types of digital signage displays will help community centers to plan their layout and use of space. Installing wall-mounted digital signage displays is practical in areas like the lobby and corridors, while digital signage kiosks are better for multi-purpose rooms and halls since they can be moved and stored away easily. By having different types of digital signage displays available, community centers can create a more efficient, flexible, and engaging environment for their visitors and staff.
After reading all of this information about digital kiosks, such as their active part in the QSR industry, retail stores, and community center management, we want to answer as definitively as possible: what are digital signage kiosks? Well, digital signage kiosks are interactive, engaging, and very helpful tools with digital user-friendly interfaces that will help you and your customers stay in touch in a non-invasive, safe, and creative way. Digital signage kiosks have taken over several sectors and industries. This includes restaurants, hotels, banks, optometry offices, retail stores, and many more. They are a great method to communicate flawlessly, without spending too much.
You can learn more about NexSigns Digital Signage solution and connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube to get the latest info on digital signage!